Book Ananish Chaudhuri For A Speaking Engagement
Known For
World-Leading Researcher On Behavioral & Experimental Economics.
Ranked Among the Top 5% Of Economists In The World by Multiple RePEc Metrics.
Positions Held
Professor of Experimental Economics at the University of Auckland (Current).
Visiting Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School (2020).
Chair of the Department of Economics at the University of Auckland (2013 - 2019).
Speaking Engagement Topics
Behavioral Economics. Experimental Economics. Behavioral Economics Applied To Management, Leadership and Decision-Making. The Effects of Sleep Deprivation On Trading & Asset Price Volatility. Political Corruption. Political Psychology.
Expertize Sought By
Television News & Talk Shows, University Conferences, Investment Banks, Private Sector Enterprises, Private Equity Firms, Pension Funds, Asset Managers, Think Tanks, Schools of Business.
Articles & Books (Selected)
Behavioural Economics and Experiments. Routledge. (2021)
Trading while sleepy? Circadian mismatch and excess volatility in a global experimental asset market. Experimental Economics. (2020).
Experiments in Economics: Playing Fair with Money. Routledge. (2009).