The U.S. Supreme Court, in Washington D.C. It’s powers and responsibilities are enumerated in Article III of the U.S. Constitution.
The law is the system of rules that regulate the behavior of the various entities within its jurisdiction (e.g. governments, individuals, businesses). Legal scholars are concerned with the creation, interpretation, and implementation of these rules.
Topics of interest to legal scholars include constitutional law, intellectual property law, property law, international law, environmental law, contracts, criminal law, and torts.
Constitutional law is the branch of law that enumerates the powers and responsibilities of government institutions. Constitutional law scholars are concerned with the creation, interpretation, and implementation of these laws.
The first page of the U.S. Constitution.
American Constitutional Law
Learn about the U.S. Constitution and the three branches of America’s federal government.
1806 portrait of Alexander Hamilton.
Federalist Papers on Impeachment
In two essays published in a New York newspaper in 1788, Alexander Hamilton defended the impeachment mechanism outlined in the yet to be adopted U.S. Constitution proposed at the Constitutional Convention. These two essays, part of the 85 essays that collectively comprise the Federalist Papers, now provide jurists with important insights into how the authors of the Constitution intended impeachment to work.
Portion of the 2021 House Resolution impeaching President Trump.
Impeachment (U.S.)
Learn about the impeachment process, how a president may be banned for life from holding the office again, and which presidents have been impeached.
Lobbyist Disclosure Forms
A guide to reading LD-1 and LD-2 lobbyist disclosure forms. Familiarity with these forms allows you to see who’s hired lobbyists, who they’re lobbying, and on what issues.
Bank of the United States.
Necessary and Proper Clause of the U.S. Constitution & the Doctrine of Implied Powers
Learn about the necessary and proper clause and the broad powers it confers upon the U.S. Congress via the doctrine of implied powers.
The White House, official residence of the U.S. President.
Pardon Powers
Learn about the pardon powers the U.S. Constitution grants the President.
Chamber of the Parliament of Saint Lucia.
Saint Lucian Constitutional Law
Learn about the constitution of the island nation of St. Lucia and how it was shaped by the island’s colonial history.
U.S. Code
A guide to reading and citing the United States Code.
Capitol Hill, seat of the U.S. Congress.
War Powers (U.S.)
Learn about the division of war powers between the presidency and the congress, and the ongoing tensions between the two branches over these powers.