Robert Wilson & Aiden Singh Discuss The Encyclopedia
By Aiden Singh, December 13, 2024
Robert Wilson: I'm sort of interested. So I mean you’re running a one man operation here, aren't you?
Aiden Singh: Yeah, I’m enjoying it too much to delegate it to anyone else just yet.
At some point I’ll have to hire some staff to help me continue to scale the Encyclopedia up.
But yeah, it’s basically a one man operation for the moment.
Robert Wilson is the Winner of the 2020 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.
Robert Wilson: I’m impressed. It looks to me like you're doing a very good job.
Aiden Singh: Thank you.
Robert Wilson: You know, the questions you posed for me were very good, first class.
And, you know, these articles that I read, like the one with Steven Pinker, you know, you're doing a first class job, it looks to me, and I'm impressed that you're doing it all by yourself.
Aiden Singh: Thank you very much.
You kind of have to dabble in everybody's expertise area.
So I need to be familiar enough with Steven Pinker's areas of expertise so that I can pose intelligent questions to him.
And then I need to understand your work well enough that I can pose intelligent questions to you.
Aiden Singh is the founder & publisher of the Social Science Encyclopedia.
Robert Wilson: You seem to be very skilled at doing that.
And you seem to have done it de novo. You started from scratch and somehow started building this.
So I'm very impressed.
Aiden Singh: Thank you. It’s an honor to hear that.